Supplemental Reading.

This week’s links/videos/items of interest based on topics discussed during last night’s radio show. As always, I’ve attempted to post them in the order they were played on-air.

RIP Jack Rose.

Writer Byron Coley remembers his friend on the Arthur Magazine web site.

Also passing away recently, Bruce C. Allen of The Suburbs.

Jawbox reunited to play “Savory” on Wednesday’s episode of “Late Night With Jimmy Fallon.” Watch two additional web-only live peformances (“68” and “FF=66”) here.

Download “Paranoia” from the forthcoming Pierced Arrows album on Vice.

Pierced Arrows

Grab a live Pelt track from 2003 off the VHF Records web site.


DJ BC has made the holiday collection “Menorah Mashups” free for all.

The Go Betweens had a bridge named after them in their home town of Brisbane, Australia.

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