Supplemental Reading.

Here are this week’s links/videos/items of interest based on topics discussed during tonight’s radio show.

RIP Stooges drummer Scott “Rock Action” Asheton and Gary Burger of The Monks.

In the wake of Oderus Urungus/Dave Brockie’s passing, my friend Gregg Gethard shares a pair of GWAR stories.

The free, legal downloads offered up include The Rutabega covering Dinosaur Jr., the first sounds of new Philadelphia outfit Myrrias, an Epitonic Saki session from Lazy, two full-lengths by New Grenada, Dear Landlord sharing a new demo, yet another Radiator Hospital digital EP and more by Michigan’s Brown Company.

This The Twenty Best Post-Punk Albums You Probably Didn’t Know Existed piece introduced me to more than a few groups.

Catch a screening of the Slint documentary!

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